If you have had a massage, you have heard it before, “drink lots of water after each session, it will help flush out all those toxins.”
These famous words are given to just about everyone who receives a massage. Drinking water is an important factor before and after a massage session, and it will help you get the most out of your massage. But what does water really do for us after a massage?
If you metabolize quickly, you may start detoxing on the table and you may want to go use the restroom right after, if not during the massage. Next time when you go to your massage, drink a little before your session in a little more after. Just drink up and be merry!
How much water do I need on a daily basis?
A simple rule is to take your weight in pounds, divide in half, and drink that number of ounces of water. So for a person who weighs 150 pounds, you should be drinking 75 ounces of water per day. Do not over drink, thinking that you can overcome months or years of under drinking by drinking a lot in a few days. Drink your amount (as calculated using the above formula) daily and your body will fully re-hydrate over a long period of time.
Physical activity, stress and injuries create the muscle tissues to build up toxins civic areas of the body. Lactic acids, stress hormones and dehydration are all causes of knots.
Water is seen as the “liquid Drano” for our bodies to flush out lactic acid and metabolic wastes that cause these knots. What a particular working muscle is dehydrated, it searches for a water source and most often clings to other muscle tissue for this water source.
How Does Massage Therapy Help?
When toxins build up in your muscle tissues, you’ll feel sluggish and your muscles may become “stuck”…so a massage will help you move those toxins toward the elimination process and hydration will make it happen smoothly. Drink up!