The statistics on stress in America are staggering. In a society where one’s self-expectations almost exceed the expectations of our workplace and loved ones, it’s no wonder we are killing ourselves with stress.
Here are a few stress statistics to consider about stress:
- Work stress causes 10% of strokes
- Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease
- Stress increases the risk of heart disease by 40%, heart attack by 25%, and stroke by 50%
Below are several effective ways to combat stress, helping you stay healthy both mentally and physically.
- Meditation. Stop and focus on yourself, your body, your environment, the present.
- Mindfulness. Similar to meditation, focus on one thing and try to block everything else out. Breathe slowly and describe the object fully to yourself.
- Visualization. Focus on a peaceful scene away from your current situation.
- Deep breathing. When stressed we tend to take short breaths. Breathe slowly in through the nose and out through the mouth.
- Massage Therapy is a proven method to reduce stress. Massage Therapy slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure and balances stress hormones. Massage releases endorphins that calm the nervous system, and combined with aromatherapy and soft music, all your senses will be awakened and refocused away from every day stresses. Even while sitting at your desk you can experience the benefits of massage with a small hand massage.
- Do what you love. Nothing replaces spending time doing what makes you happy. Go dancing, garden, have a cup of tea, read a book or whatever makes you happy. This allows you to refocus, enjoy something at least for the moment and even feel productive.