In a recent study, Swedish massage techniques were found to reduce levels of anxiety in the participants.
The areas identified for measurement during the study included blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate and body temperature. In addition, the participants’ anxiety levels were measured before and after each massage therapy stage. One group received Swedish massage of the neck, back and chest, while the other group experienced massage of the legs, arms and hands and the face.
Results of the research revealed women in both massage groups exhibited a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure in the first stage. However, only those in the back, neck and chest massage group showed a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure. In measuring the average body temperature, those who showed a significant drop were the ones who received the leg, arm and face massage group. Pulse and respiratory rates decreased significantly among the women in both massage groups.
The authors of the study said “It can be concluded that massage therapy was useful for decreasing the vital signs associated with anxiety in healthy women.”
If you suffer from occasional or ongoing anxiety, consider including regular massage as part of your wellness program. For an experienced, skilled massager therapist, call Jodi for an appointment at 701-238-8257. She has been practicing since 2008 and has many wonderful reviews.